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How we created the art and concepts
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May 9, 2024
Hello! Today I will be showing you through the 2D art process. In this article I will go through what our concepts are based off of, how we chose the styles we chose, and more. Let's get into it. What is our art based off of? Our art is completely original! Using Aseprite, we would create a simple prototype and build and expand on it. An example of art evolution is:
Evolution Evolution
But how do we come up with our ideas without inspiration? Even though you can just see what suits your styling, having 4 artists meant that a lot of the time, styles and format often differed. To overcome this issue, we had three main artists and one artist polish everything, making sure it blended in.
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How do shadows and effects work with our art? Using the art, how do we do shadows? Or effects? The solution to the problem was by utilizing the effects system in unity, which basically changes the alpha of a hidden grid system overlaying the whole game, which is used for UI and overlay. This allows us to apply complex physics calculations easily to our game.
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If you have any questions, you can check out my YouTube, which will have a devlog on the topic soon.
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